I was one such international student who arrived in Australia on the 2nd of Feb, 2005 and became a permanent resident on the 28th of May 2008. I had to go through a painful, stressful and outrageously expensive process , though, I think there was also a less expensive way to do so.
Any how, what is done is done. Let me narrate my story in pictures and words. Hope the readers are able to make a much better decision and learn from my experiences.
Offer of admission from UTS
I was offered a letter of offer from UTS some where in Nov 2004. I quickly started the procedure for the final grant of a student visa to Australia. Paying the tuition fees, performing medical check ups, blah blah.
Grant of visa
Finally after filling out all the forms, submitting all the documents requested, I was finally granted the visa.
Letter of grant of visa from the Australian High Commission, Islamabad, Pakistan
Unlike previous times, I was not interviewed for the visa. The visa was sent stamped on my passport and sent to the offices of my educational consultant.
Original Student visa as stamped on my passport. The label has been stamped inoperable on expiry.
Studying at UTS
Studying while searching for work and getting blue collar jobs such as filling shelves in super markets, washing cars and delivering pizzas was some thing I had never done before.
After a lot of struggle, hard work, patience and determination, I was finally able to finish my studies from UTS
Page one of my UTS transcript

Degree awarded during graduation ceremony
Permanent Residency
I applied for Permanent residency on the 27th of Sept, 2007. After appearing in the IELTS exam for three times, I was able to achieve a score of
Listening 8.5
Reading 9.0
Writing 8.0
Speaking 9.0
in the exam because of which I was able to claim the extra bonus points.
Copy of my IELTS report.
Finally on the 28th of May, after waiting for almost eight months , I was awarded the permanent residency.

Stamp of permanent residency on my passport.
End of story!
Hi Junaid,
It takes guts to show the real picture to the world by ones own life experience, and you have those guts.
so, what you suggest to your readers ? If you had given another chance what you would have done instead ?
Please tell us what is the less painful way.
I guess the story is not yet over. Instead its the beginning.
God bless.
The less painful way for me would be the one with less risk and less expenses involved.
But it depends from case to case.
How much risk you want to take? How much can you struggle? How much can you invest?
All these things matter.
Okay.. and in your particular case what exactly would be that less expensive and less risk way you could now think of ? if you don't mind telling...
Okay.. and in your particular case what exactly would be that less expensive and less risk way you could now think of ? if you don't mind telling...
In my case the best way would have been to have worked in my home country to satisfy the requirements of Immigration and Australian computer society and then apply for offshore migration.
This would have been the least expensive, risk free and hassle free way of migrating.
But I took the risk and it worked for me.
So all is well that ends well.
It could have been disaster as well. I could have fell sick and not able to work let alone study.
I might not have been able to pay my tuition fees.
I might not have been able to get the required score.
So many possibilities!
But I was determined to give it a go.
So it all worked for me.
I know some people for whom it has not worked. Specially getting the extra bonus points is a big hassle for international students.
Kind Regards
May I ask you if you knew that "best" way of migrating through skilled immigration when you made your decision ? If Yes, then why you didn't work on it ?
was it like grabbing the fish before it slips away ?
No, I didnt know of any ways in 2005.
What I am advising you is based on my experiences in Australia.
Skilled migration to Australia is not going any where rather it is going to increase. So dont worry about the fish slipping away.
Kind Regards
hi junaid,
i just want some suggestions from u r side. Actually i am doing masters in IT and this is my last semster, and my boyfriend is also doing the same course , we are living toghter from 2 year, can I get any benifit from our marrige, or de facto relationship in my PR.
hi junaid,
i just want some suggestions from u r side. Actually i am doing masters in IT and this is my last semster, and my boyfriend is also doing the same course , we are living toghter from 2 year, can I get any benifit from our marrige, or de facto relationship in my PR.
If you are both studying in an Australian university, then, Yes you can benefit from your defacto relationship.
One of you can apply as the primary applicant the other one can as the secondary applicant.
The primary one then claim 5 spouse skills points as both of you can easily get a positive skills assessment from ACS.
To prove that you are in a defacto relationship, the best would be to show that the both of you lodged the last tax return from the same postal address. However, the DIAC might require other proof or documentation as well to prove that you two are indeed in a defacto relationship like bank statements, utility bills etc.
Kind Regards
Thanks for advise.........yha we both are studying in Australian University , and we have all the proofs, that may be needed to prove our relationship........
Thanks once again.........
I'm not even in Australia yet, but I do have to say that your blog helped me clear lots of doubts about the immigration process. I'm also going to Australia to study for 2 years before apply for the PR. It will be some freaking harsh years, but guys like you help us giving some hope.
Thanks for the blog
hi Junaid
I need some help from You. I got my last semseter result this friday. and tommorow I am flying to india. As my study is finished , then any problem will occur when I will come back, but I hav a valid student visa till January 2009. Looking forward to hear from you soon.Thanks
hi Junaid
I need some help from You. I got my last semseter result this friday. and tommorow I am flying to india. As my study is finished , then any problem will occur when I will come back, but I hav a valid student visa till January 2009. Looking forward to hear from you soon.Thanks
If you have finished your studies earlier then expected, in the case, your university will inform the immigration department that you have finished your studies and the immigration department will instruct you to leave Australia by such and such date.
If you come back before your completion of study comes to the notice of the immigration department, then you have no problem.
However, if your completion comes to the notice of the immigration department and you try to enter Australia at a date after the DIAC had asked you leave Australia on, then you will run into trouble.
So just go to DIAC and ask how long you can further stay in Australia.
Normally, you will have another 2 to three months to stay in Australia.
Kind Regards
Hi Junaid,
I had posted a comment earlier but did not get any response from you. I ahve aplied for my PR with my wife as secondary applicant. I wanted to ask couple of questions:
1. I applied when my wife's IELTS was valid and if my vis processing gets delayed shud she take ielts again?
2. I did not claim for the 5 points of spouse skils as i made 120 myself. However, in case of unexpected results can i make the claim now when the application is being processed or later?
Thanks a lot
Hi Junaid,
I had posted a comment earlier but did not get any response from you. I ahve aplied for my PR with my wife as secondary applicant. I wanted to ask couple of questions:
1. I applied when my wife's IELTS was valid and if my vis processing gets delayed shud she take ielts again?
2. I did not claim for the 5 points of spouse skils as i made 120 myself. However, in case of unexpected results can i make the claim now when the application is being processed or later?
Thanks a lot
I did reply to your post. I dont know why it has not appeared.
All replies appear under the same post where you posted the question.
1. Your IELTS should only be valid on the date of lodging the application. It doesnt matter after that.
2. I am not sure about that because some criteria is assessed on the day of lodging the application while others are assessed on the day of granting the visa. So if gaining spouse skills points is criteria on the day of lodging the application then you cannot claim points. But if it is criteria on the day of granting the visa then you can claim them.
Plus you need to have your spouse's skills assessed from the relevant assessing body in order to claim points for your spouse skills.
I think this would be a criteria on the day of lodging the application.
But you can double check it from some other resource.
Kind Regards
I am so glad to come across such a useful site.Thanks for the effort!
My degree has been assessed by AASW (Australian Association of Social workers) and now i'm planning to apply for PR under general skilled independent migration visa category.Cud u pls tell me what do i have to do now-the process,the forms to be filled,documents to be attached,the place where these are to be submitted?
I am from Nepal and what can I do to take my boyfriend with me..is it possible?? and if not how can i make it possible?
I am so glad to come across such a useful site.Thanks for the effort!
My degree has been assessed by AASW (Australian Association of Social workers) and now i'm planning to apply for PR under general skilled independent migration visa category.Cud u pls tell me what do i have to do now-the process,the forms to be filled,documents to be attached,the place where these are to be submitted?
I am from Nepal and what can I do to take my boyfriend with me..is it possible?? and if not how can i make it possible?
You should do the following
If the occupation for which you have obtained the assessment is on the SOL/MODL, then do the following
1. Appear in an IELTS exam.
2. Once you receive your IELTS exam result, calculate your points and make sure you are getting 120 points if you are applying for 175 visa.
3. If your points score is 120, then simply apply for the visa.
All the instructions and required documents would be listed in the application form. So just follow the instructions
4. You can include your boy friend as a secondary applicant when you lodge the application. That way he can also get a PR when your application is approved.
Kind Regards
hi Junaid,
Am an international student in australia. I would like to know when I apply for my PR will I be able to remain in australia till the PR application is being processed and I recieve an outcome?
hi Junaid,
Am an international student in australia. I would like to know when I apply for my PR will I be able to remain in australia till the PR application is being processed and I recieve an outcome?
Yes, you will be able to remain in Australia once you apply for the visa subclass 885 or 886 onshore immigration.
However, if you want to leave Australia during the processing of your application, you will need to seek permission from your case officer.
Kind Regards
Hi Junaid..
I would like to ask for your help. I have got my permanent residence in oz,and I live in australia.but my boyfriend is in overseas, working as a doctor. is it possible for him to migrant in australia? under what visa is it?am I able to help him with my PR?
@Education In Australia
The following three visa types are available for people in your situation.
Visa subclass 100
Visa subclass 300
Visa subclass 110
Please read the visa options available to you by visiting the above link and let me know if you have any questions.
Kind Regards
Dear Junaid,
Nice to read your about journey to getting your visa. Impressive indeed! :o)
I have couple of questions:
Questions1: I am from HR country, I've submitted form 1221, do I also need to submit Form 80?
Question2: If yes, then, for the question # 18 inside Form 80 (where it says: About your Spouse), is it Ok to write 'N/A' ? as I am Permanently separated from my wife (though not divorced yet), and I've ticked the option as 'Permanently separated'. I've also sent Stat Declaration regarding this to DIAC.
So shall I just write 'N/A' in the box as we are not together now for more than 2 years.
Questions1: I am from HR country, I've submitted form 1221, do I also need to submit Form 80?
What exactly is HR country?
If you read the first para of form 80, it clearly says
This form is to be completed in English by applicants for visas for
Australia who are 16 years of age or over, as requested by the office
processing the application. All questions must be completed.
So filling out of form 80 is not dependent upon which country you are from.
It must be filled.
The question for separation is question number 7.
Question number 18 should be answered accordingly.
So shall I just write 'N/A' in the box as we are not together now for more than 2 years.
No, fill in the details. N/A will be if you had never been married at all.
Kind Regards
hi junaid,
iam sridharan 30yrs old have completed Bachelor degree of History,Master Degree in Business Adminstration,Diploma in Hotal Management.Iam want to know which diploma or certificate course will make me to get Permenant status in Australia .
My wife is 26yr old have completed Bachelor degree in IT Diploma in Java Technology. Can u suggest me whether it suits me to study in australia or my wife . who can get good points.
How many points should we score to get PR in Auatralia. If one us apply for PR do they consider the dependent Visa of the other also for the points.Is that both of them jointly have to score points or only one of them.
@Sri Kavitha
iam sridharan 30yrs old have completed Bachelor degree of History,Master Degree in Business Adminstration,Diploma in Hotal Management.Iam want to know which diploma or certificate course will make me to get Permenant status in Australia .
Why dont you first try to come to Australia through offshore migration?
You will have to study for two years and pay large amounts of tuition fees to be able to later on apply for PR after two years of study.
What is your current work profession? What have you been doing in the past 1 yr?
Any way, if you dont want to apply for offshore migration, then you have to come and study in Australia for at least 92 academic weeks in a course which is closely related to a profession on the SOL.
Since you are already 30 yrs old, you will loose 5 points for age.
So I would recommend that your wife studies in Australia for two yrs, she will turn 28 at the time she applies for PR and you can apply as a secondary applicant.
Your wife will have to study in a degree which is closely related to a profession on the SOL.
It can be IT or any thing else.
So while she studies, you can work. She can also work while studying.
Can u suggest me whether it suits me to study in australia or my wife . who can get good points.
Unfortunately, I am not an educational consultant so I cannot tell you what course to choose. But you can choose any IT course which is CRICOS certified and is accredited by ACS in case it is an IT course.
How many points should we score to get PR in Auatralia. If one us apply for PR do they consider the dependent Visa of the other also for the points.Is that both of them jointly have to score points or only one of them.
In case you are applying for 175 you need to score 120 points.
For 176 you need to score 100 points.
Only your wife will be the primary applicant and she needs to score the required points. You are just the secondary applicant and have no influence on the application apart for contributing extra bonus 5 points in case your profession is also on the SOL.
My suggestion would be to go for a trades profession which is on the list of 176 visas. It will be easy for you to later on apply for PR.
Kind Regards
Hi junaid
Thanx for the useful info on this site.
I want to ask ur opinion about the FORM-1221 which is for additional particualrs.
i filled the form to the best of my knowledge but there are certaina areas that are really confusing me.
for example they ask me if i know some one in australia and if so they ask me to mention there address and contact details and stuff.
does that effect your visa application in any way if u dont know any one in australia?.
secoundly, ithey ask me to mention the time period i wish to arrive and the time period i intend to stay, and also in which state or teritory
i have no such confirmations yet , i just applied for skilled migration in hope to get the visa and then find a job there. so what should be done with this kind of questions?.. i left them blank for the most part coz they didnt fit my situation.
does that make any affect to the visa application?
Also how much time on average it takes for visa to be granted after the medical reports and all the other docs are submitted?
thanx in advance. :)
i applied for skilled migrant subclass 175 , i got 7.5 in IELTS and i have postive skills assessment from ACS for MODL (Linux-specialist)
for example they ask me if i know some one in australia and if so they ask me to mention there address and contact details and stuff.
does that effect your visa application in any way if u dont know any one in australia?.
Just answer honestly and truthfully.
secoundly, ithey ask me to mention the time period i wish to arrive and the time period i intend to stay, and also in which state or teritory
i have no such confirmations yet
Leave it blank then.
i left them blank for the most part coz they didnt fit my situation.
does that make any affect to the visa application?
Only wrong information has affect. Just answer truthfully and honestly.
Also how much time on average it takes for visa to be granted after the medical reports and all the other docs are submitted?
Q6. How long will it take to process my visa? What about visa processing service standards?
The department is unable to estimate how long it will take to process visas, including those which have already been lodged. The visa processing standards relate to normal processing conditions and are only a guide for the majority of applications. They do not take into account the new priority processing measures which have been introduced as a result of the extraordinary economic situation Australia currently faces.
i applied for skilled migrant subclass 175 , i got 7.5 in IELTS and i have postive skills assessment from ACS for MODL (Linux-specialist)
If this profession is on the CSL then you will get priority processing.
Kind Regards
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